When Hack & Slash Goes Cute: Kitaria Fables (Demo Now on Steam)
Kitaria Fables has recently released a demo on Steam! As I’ve been looking for some game variety this is a nice change in pace but still includes a farming aspect. It is, however quite apparent from the beginning, that this title is hack and slash combat focused with crafting to compliment it.
You get started out right away lost and consulting with your little pink buddie, not sure exactly what species that’s supposed to be and then you’re off to rescue someone from balls of gooey stuff that bounces around. This grateful NPC leads you to the town you were looking for in the first place. Problem solved. Town leader is pleased to see you because they’ve got a monster problem and you’re the soldiers assigned to the case to find out what’s going on with “The Calamity”. Being the all encompassing name for an evil force that’s overcoming the land and causing inhabitants to become hostile.
Come to find out you’re a descendant of one of their favorite ex townsfolk so they show you to a house of your own for the night where you’ll see there’s makings of a farm plot already there. Inside your home are a couple items to note including a book and bed, both which act as save functions but the bed comes with the addition of rolling into the next in game day. The mirror is where you can do some character customization. Looks like there’s going to be some accessory stuff in the future with these tabs.
The quest line starts off with retrieval of lost items in the woods surrounded by ogres, a fellow resident dropped them high tailing it out of there and we gotta satisfy this request to fetch it. So starts your steady stream of quest to flow through the discovery of your hidden talent, magic. Which is … surprise! Forbidden. You signed the waiver for this right?
The grumpy old bear outside of town is going to teach you a thing or two about magic. But probably only after we go get all of these relics he’s requested in the main quest line. For now, he makes for a lot of running back and forth errands. Eventually another soldier shows up in town, seems like foreshadowing but could be just me. They appear again at the exit to the demo so they seem like the harbinger of bad news.
A quick tour of the town interviewing the residents and you find shop keeps with standard seeds, food and gear. Many appear to have recipes unlocked by quest, indicating that there’s going to be plenty to do through progressing. Looks like you bring them items and they craft for you.
To start farming and gathering, there is a chest on your farm that will contain your grandfather’s old tools that can get you started. Axe, pick axe, scythe, hoe and watering can. Once in your inventory they can be moved to the shortcut bar to equip them. After a quick clean up of the landscape you can dig up ground and plant seeds, you’ll get a handful through the quest line but additional are available for purchase with all the paw coins you’ll farm up. It starts getting fairly generous with the currency if you smash up boxes along your exploration. Also notice random patches of dirt unearthed coins. You can also get them by using the vendor box to sell off trash items.
This looks like it’s shaping up to be a fun little game if you like the hack and slash combat format. Or run and gun as bows are also available in the smithing vendor menu. If you want to salvage your health and croissant stockpile dodge often. On PC this is a simple one two mouse click effort, left click attack right click evade. Spells are activated by hot key and you can use the center scroll wheel to lock onto specific targets. A few enemies at once will have you busting a move.
Plenty of cute and entertainment. This one’s staying on the Wishlist and will continue the playthrough when it’s released. There’s a little meat in the demo, enough to see some basics but hoping that the crafting system sees more updates with all those available crafting materials that allow players to do lots of customization to the farm or even expand their farm facilities.
I’ve browsed the Steam Store page for the more in depth description and it looks like crafting is primarily for gear and consumables at this stage, but it compliments the dungeon farming focus. The game is still in closed beta but the updates reveal some hints to what’s coming in the next major area after the demo ends in a big city with tons more vendors. Looks like they’ll have more options for crafting. The game is scheduled for release on a September 2nd and can’t wait to drag a friend into it for multi player mode.